Amy is a former non fiction writer, journalist, speechwriter who's now concentrating on fiction, including mystery, romance and young adult works. Her most recent books are "The Potrero Complex" and "The NIghthawkers." (Please check on Amazon and/or to  find her books).

Gloria Felice, Amy's mom,  was a perfectionist layered with chronic anxiety and perhaps a lack of self confidence. So in turn, Gloria perhaps overcompensated by running an extremely orderly household.  So there were a lot of rules. ie "the kitchen was closed," Amy explains so her mom could keep the kitchen clean and organized for a certain amount of time. Gloria was very domestically focused and an exceptional cook. One of Amy's favorite meals was her mom's fried chicken.

Amy's mother was born in 1933 and was hoping to attend a free thinking college but her parent's refused so she settled for one year at Colby College in Maine and shortly married her husband at 18-19 years old. Amy says, "she didn't have a strong enough ego to be defiant.  She would have had such a different life. She wanted to write and didn't have the confidence to do that."

Felice had five children in seven and a half years and as the eldest, Amy took on the responsibilities of helping take care of her younger siblings. Amy explains that she was "an extremely obedient, good girl who never got into any trouble , which I now look back on and regret. I wish that I had acted out. I think I saved my acting out for my 60's."

When it was time to leave home for college, because Amy's mom hadn't gone out into the world, worked outside the home and hadn't had her own life experiences, Amy  didn't really have that close a relationship with her mother. Amy felt she didn't need her. Amy felt her mom couldn't give her what she needed because her mom hadn't experienced any of these things that Amy was searching for. My guest made a conscious decision to have a completely different relationship with her own daughter compared to what Amy experienced from her mother.

Amy always  felt safe and loved by her mother however Amy's tried "to have more of an adult friendship with her own daughter-to let her see me as a  true person with emotions and flaws." 

Amy's still grappling with what kind of relationship she actually had with her mother. She knows that she was loved and taken care of and has similar characteristics, but "she made very conscious choices to be very different." Amy realized "that's not who I wanted to be."

Latest Fiction Works:

Dystopian Mystery Thriller 

Romance Novel

The Nighthawkers, The Potrero Complex, Fran the Second Time Around, Dreams Of Song Times


"Should Have Listened To My Mother" is an ongoing conversation about mothers and the roles they play in our lives. And my guests answer the question, 'are you who you are today because of, or in spite of, your mother'? You'll be amazed at what the responses are.

"Should Have Listened To My Mother" would not be possible without the generosity, sincerity and insight from my guests. In getting ready to launch my podcast, so many were willing to give their time and share their personal relationships with their mother.

Some of my guests include Baritone Singer Christopheren Nomura, Pulitzer Prize Winning Journalist Tim Wacker, Activist Kim Miller, Freighter Sea Captain Terry Viscount, Film Production Manager Peg Robinson, Professor of Writing Montclair State University Dr. Bridget Brown, Tammy Steckler, attorney and family advocate @CUNY Law; NYC First Responder/NYC Firefighter Mark Heingartner, Child and Adult Special Needs Activist, Maryellen Valyo Cole and Roger Evens, Property Manager in New Jersey and so many more talented and insightful women and men.

I've worked in the broadcasting industry for over four decades. I've interviewed so many fascinating people including musicians, celebrities, authors, activists, entrepreneurs, politicians and more.

A big thank you goes to Ricky Soto, NYC based Graphic Designer, who created my logo for "Should Have Listened To My Mother".

Check out my website for more background information:

Or more demos of what's to come at

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Should have listened to my mother

Jackie Tantillo


Should have listened to my mother



Jackie Tantillo


Should have listened to my mother