Dr. Nichola Conlon, a leader in longevity science since 2014, is a passionate advocate for education in longevity science. As CEO and Co-Founder of Nuchido Laboratories, She wants to help YOU be YOU for longer!

Why is Nuchido different from many other supplement companies?  They are "systems pharmacologists" who approach the the body’s many challenges with multi-targeted solutions that address the underlying biological complexity that is required for optimal cellular health. They translate scientific advancements into simple and effective products for broad consumer use.

Nichola tells her story as a young researcher finding many different molecules that she believed could be very effective in increasing longevity and "health span."  However, many of these molecules were patented for drug use and would not generate the kind of financial returns that most drug companies require.  Dr. Conlon decided to start her own company, starting with the powerhouse molecule, NAD+.

Why NAD+?  NAD+ is a critical coenzyme found in every cell in our body, and it’s involved in hundreds of metabolic processes.  It plays a significant role in turning nutrients into energy in our body AND is a key player in our metabolism.  Unfortunately, it is estimated that your NAD+ levels halve every 20 years- from birth!  By the time you are elderly, you most likely have only a small amount of NAD+ working for you in your system.  Thus, it is such a huge problem and one she wanted to create a science first, effective supplement to help the body increase NAD+.  

Nichola explains how this is not a straight forward process and that many companies out there are just trying to "load" more into our system; which Nichola and Nuchido believe to be an "ineffective" solution.  The Nuchido team works on the "recycling pathway" that the body uses very effectively.  The problem is not the "raw materials" but the "recycling pathway."

For those of you who want to understand how the body has evolved and uses NAD+ in our system, this is a fantastic podcast.  Nicola explains the process so that everyone can understand.

You will walk away with more motivation and clarity on where to spend your time and money on slowing the aging process and most importantly increasing our HEALTHSPAN!

Dr. Conlon and I discuss the other important ways to upgrade your health and live longer; intermittent fasting, eating whole foods and exercising.  You can NOT supplement your way out of a bad diet.  

Lastly, we spend some time hearing how having a higher level of NAD+ as a woman in or around menopause is proving to be a great way to minimize many of the symptoms women suffer from; lack of sleep and brain fog to name a few.  October is both Breast Cancer and Menopause Awareness Month.  According to Dr. Lisa Mosconi, over 850 million women all around the world, have just entered or are about to enter menopause. 

Nichola has had many female customers report back a significant drop in some of the worst menopause symptoms.  She has been so intrigued that they are starting a study on this topic alone, so that they can back up these experiences with scientific results.

Nuchido is offering all the Shot Caller listeners a 10% discount off their purchase of the TIME+ supplement!  Use code TWA10 (The Wealth Alchemist) at https://nuchido.com/pages/nad-supplements

Nichola is passionate about bringing their longevity science to everyone and not just those in the biohacking world.  Please share this podcast with anyone you think might be suffering from a lack of energy, menopause symptoms or someone who is fascinated by science!  I believe you will be doing them a great service.


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