Episode 7
About: Automations (and PushCut), Shortcuts, IFTTT

Today we cover a topic that we touched on in one of the first episodes, automation and some advanced triggers you can use through IFTTT with our guest Parker Welch (PaRkThEcAr1 on Reddit)!
Interesting points about Parker and his setup:

Late 2012 Mac Mini
TP Link accessories (newly has shortcuts support)
Plex media server / makeshift PVR
Dafang cameras

What device or devices do you utilize the most for shortcut editing and creation?
Oddly, I use HomePod the most or my Pushcut Automation server. I rarely run a shortcut that cant be done automatically or via Siri. The exception is my Homebridge tool and network tool.
What kind of background do you have?
Video editor by trade. However, I come from a family of Software Developers. My dad was a CTO with Linspire and sparked my interest in computers, scripting, and logic of automation.
What got you started in Shortcuts?
In all fairness, I am an AppleScript guy. When I started playing around with HomeKit, I wanted a solution using Siri that didn’t require I make a ton of AppleScript files for Homebridge to achieve that. iOS 13 was the game changer.
Do you use any of the computer shortcut editors?
I have tried many however, I find them all a bit finicky. For me, the best tool is my wife’s iPad Pro that she graciously lets me use sometimes. Otherwise, iPhone 11 Pro
Can you go into details about the new network manager shortcut you've been working on?
I have been working on a lot of Smart Speaker shortcuts particularly with HomePod. (discuss a I’m Up, Homebridge Manager, and a few personal shortcuts). the Network Manager is a tool designed to allow you to control and interface with that network using a HomePod.
What do you think about the future of shortcuts? And iOS?
Being able to have automations run in the background. I feel that with Apple’s late adoption of automation, that they will look to take full advantage of its usefulness. I would like the HomePod to stop saying “Your shortcut says” for every action and to see battery levels of devices in homekit/homebridge
What kinds of things would you like to see people working on more in shortcuts or automations?
Take advantage of the "holes" in Siri. I bridge the gap between home, life, and Siri with my Siri Speed Limit shortcut and I’m Up. Take accessibility into consideration - deaf / sight limited adjustments to take the "humane design" into account - take advantage of the homepod within shortcuts

Shortcuts and sites mentioned during the episode:
Let's Go (https://routinehub.co/shortcut/3859)
I'm Up (https://routinehub.co/shortcut/4018)
I'm Up sister shortcut I'm Safe (https://routinehub.co/shortcut/3902)
Siri Speed Limit (https://routinehub.co/shortcut/4594)
Homebridge Manager (https://routinehub.co/shortcut/4989)
The official Homebridge Github (https://github.com/homebridge/homebridge)

Contact options to reach out to Parker:
Reddit - u/parkthecar1
Twitter - PaRkThEcAr

Stay tuned for more information on the coming episodes


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