Kenneth Bedwell moved to Buffalo, NY 4 years ago for a job at a big bank doing research in the equities market. He wanted to invest in real estate and found STRs. Kenny really enjoyed it so he started leasing and co-hosting properties so he could get the cash to level up and purchase properties. Kenny has purchased properties and used his new data tool - STR Insights to find new and emerging markets based on his personal preferences.
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Don't forget to grab your tickets for the STR Wealth Conference on June 6-8 in Nashville, TN at
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Kenneth Bedwell moved to Buffalo, NY 4 years ago for a job at a big bank doing research in the equities market. He wanted to invest in real estate and found STRs. Kenny really enjoyed it so he started leasing and co-hosting properties so he could get the cash to level up and purchase properties. Kenny has purchased properties and used his new data tool - STR Insights to find new and emerging markets based on his personal preferences.

Sign up for the launch to get notified for STR Insights' launch at

Don't forget to grab your tickets for the STR Wealth Conference on June 6-8 in Nashville, TN at

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