*Explicit Content* In this episode Pat and I read out of, "The Mafia: Encyclopedia Second Edition".


Happy #PodcastFriday.  Yet again we are going deep into the mob in this episode. Mostly because my friend Pat, who sits in with me really loves to learn some new things about this sinister organization.  We talk about "Lucky" Luciano who was far more ruthless than Al Capone, his name rings in mob lore, at least in my estimation a bit more as well.  He had an interesting start butnothing out of the oridnary for anyone else that chose the path of crime.  We had some laughs, some drinks, and some fun catching up!  Sit back, ride to work, take your shower, whatever activity you find yourself doing - ENJOY a new episode of Short...Story...Bingo! 

Having said that, press play, enjoy, like, share, rate, comment, and subscribe! It really helps.





Read about Al Capone an others in, "The Mafia: Encyclopedia Second Edition" here:




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