*Explicit Content* In this episode I read a little diddy called, "Busted! A Thanksgiving Mystery Short Story".


I want to say thank you to ALL my family and friends that made the Thanksgiving weekend memorable.  I love you all.  Now that we got that out of the way, let's get back in the Bingo sessions!!!  So, Joey, AP, and I actually recorded two episodes in one night. This is the second...obviously. I wanted to read a mystery to get out of Thanksgiving to some degree but also stay in that vein in the same. Enter - Gail Farrelly and her wonderful pieced story centered around the fowl holiday - no pun intended.  This is a modern piece that provided some great laughs and intriguing moments.  Sit back, ride to work, take your shower, whatever activity you find yourself doing - ENJOY a new episode of Short...Story...Bingo! 

Having said that, press play, enjoy, like, share, rate, comment, and subscribe! It really helps...at least that's what they say.



Sorry...none this week!


Read the short story, "Busted! A Thanksgiving Mystery Short Story" here:




PLEASE Email ALL of your new stories you want heard, comments or anything you want menitoned, etc... to [email protected]