*Explicit Content* In this episode we read out of, "Amazing Tales for Making Men out of Boys"!


Hey you...yeah YOU, are you just as excited as I am for this new episode?!  Alright, I might be a little worked up about it, but it is hard not to be for this history lesson.  I sit with my friend on this one, he happens to be a pretty talented Hip-Hop artist also, Mr. Zac Ivie.  We dive into the history of the wall that protected Constantinople.  This got a little Game of Thronesy, I won't lie if you are still not caught up on the last season of GOT thenprep yourself for a spoiler alert halfway through or so in this episode.  Sorry, not sorry.  Anyhow, enjoy this latest episode and listen in on us making jokes, drinking beers, and making some weird points throughout.  Love you all!!!

Having said that, press play, enjoy, like, share, rate, comment, and subscribe! It really helps...at least that's what they say.





Buy the book. "Amazing Tales for Making Men out of Boys" here:



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