Previous Episode: "Bedeviled" Movie Review
Next Episode: Cursed

This is a mega episode of features week artists. It includes the authors I featured last month and this month! 

The names of each author is a clickable link that brings you to each of their interviews. 

Brian Black (1:04): A horror writer that's currently working on a horror story podcast
Raggedy Anzy (5:11): A horror narrator on YouTube
Kate Braun (12:30): Finance, tech, and nonfiction writer
Unapologetic Artist (15:36): A rising artist that's not even in college yet. 
Ignorance Was Bliss (19:04): A crime and psychology podcast hosted by the mother/manager of the Unapologetic Artist
Of Myth and Mercy (22:04): A true crime podcast that focuses on underrepresented cases
Blackeyed Blonde (24:07): A horror narrator/ lifestyle vlogger on YouTube
Meli (35:36): A writer of creepy poems about old witches.