In this episode we speak with Joe Beverley. Joe is one part of the commercial and narrative directorial duo, ‘That Jam’. 

Joe talks us through his process working on big budget commercials which have allowed him and his directing partner, Sam, to explore genre and cement their unique style. They’ve made heist films for Cadburys, filmed car chases and flying cars as well as blown up entire film sets. We speak about how he balances his work on commercials with his work on short films as well as dive into the world of VFX (which is new ground for us on the show.)

His short film, ‘This Is English’ was accepted all over the UK into festivals like Crystal Palace International Film Festival, London Short Film Festival and Aesthetica. 

You can check it out here:

Joe also speaks about buying the rights to a book of short stories which he and his creative partner, Sam are turning into a short film anthology. 

You can find the teaser for the first film they've made based on this here:

Find out more about Joe, and 'That Jam' here:

Here are links to the two commercials we reference most:

