Ryan Callaghan, best known for his mustache is also a veteran hunter who see's more success in the field than he does on the dating scene. Conservation & public relations director for First Lite, Ryan has been a conservation warrior for many years. Ryan shares his Montana elk hunt where he and his hunting partner packed some heavy loads of the glorious protein to top off an already full freezer. We also got to hear about a Montana deer hunt where they did not.

Cal, as we affectionately call him, also shares with us his B.C. Moose hunt from last year with Arron Snyder, if you listen closely you can hear the circus music playing in the background. A few stories Josh and Ty can relate to all to well. Hunts rarely go exactly as planned and in most cases they are far from comfortable. As they say in B.C. - its a Shmozzle and we love it!

If you're not already, follow Cal on Instagram @olcal406 or @firstlitehunting and be sure to thank him for his support for our public lands and waters conservation.
