Imagine being told you could not attend a congratulatory luncheon for your own client because it was held at a “Men’s Only” club. Or that you were “too pretty” and did not “look like a lawyer.” All these incidents happened to women lawyers early in their careers prior to joining Shook. But they persevered. Lauren Greenspoon, Alicia Menendez and Amy Ragen all took non-traditional career paths. In part 2 of our Shook Shorts podcast, the three share their personal stories and discuss the new American Bar Association book, “Her Story. Book 2. The Resilient Woman Lawyer’s Guide to Conquering Obstacles,” which includes essays and encouragement from women lawyers succeeding in an often challenging industry.

Click here to learn more about Lauren Greenspoon.
Click here to learn more about Alicia Menendez.
Click here to learn more about Amy Ragen.

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