We’ve had a bit of a winter break from the podcast (in addition to being heckin’ busy), but in that time both Adrian and Tanner have been partaking in many parts of the Final Fantasy VII Franchise! And Adrian, fresh off completing pretty much all of it, has some thoughts about it and what will … Continue reading Ships Worldwide – Special Delivery: Final Fantasy VII Franchise →

We’ve had a bit of a winter break from the podcast (in addition to being heckin’ busy), but in that time both Adrian and Tanner have been partaking in many parts of the Final Fantasy VII Franchise! And Adrian, fresh off completing pretty much all of it, has some thoughts about it and what will come afterwards. Join us as we regal our love for all things FFVII. This is a Special Delivery, an episode solely focused on one large topic!


Final Fantasy VII (Original) – 0:00:00
Crisis Core – 1:16:33
Advent Children – 1:41:23
FF7 Remake and the Future – 1:58:20

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