Introducing Ships Worldwide, a new podcast by Tanner and Adrian! After Sherbert Land, we realized that the podcast was losing its focus a bit, mainly because it had no focus. We made sure that Ships Worldwide had a focus before the title of the podcast was even conceived. Ships Worldwide is all about the coming … Continue reading Now shipping… →

Introducing Ships Worldwide, a new podcast by Tanner and Adrian!

After Sherbert Land, we realized that the podcast was losing its focus a bit, mainly because it had no focus. We made sure that Ships Worldwide had a focus before the title of the podcast was even conceived.

Ships Worldwide is all about the coming together of two distinct forms of media entertainment: The Western side, and the Eastern side. Tanner grew up on Eastern media, such as anime and JRPGs, whereas Adrian grew up with Western Media, such as western cartoons and first person shooters. These two experiences will come together in Ships Worldwide, where two different perspectives will discuss the incredible world of digital entertainment.


In the first half of the podcast, you’ll be able to catch up on news that pertains to everything from the expanse that is the digital entertainment front, from video games, movies, TV, anime, and more. The news will be divided into a Western and Eastern side, switching from one to the other every next news story to keep things exciting. Tanner will cover the Eastern side of news, while Adrian will cover the Western side. We just won’t announce the news, but go in depth with it as well.

In the second half of the podcast, we’re introducing a segment called Import, where we’ll diverge from the professionalism and dive into a particular video game, anime, movie, or TV Show from either the Western world or Eastern world and explain what it’s all about and why they should be played / watched. For example: Adrian has never played Final Fantasy 9, so Tanner would discuss it and its appeal. Adrian will ask questions about the game and why he (and the audience who also haven’t played it) should play it. If there is a large topic that needs more time to be discussed (such as E3), a separate segment will be uploaded the day after the main podcast. These bonus episodes will be called Ships Worldwide: Bonus Freight.

Episodes will be recorded on weekends and uploaded Mondays, and Bonus Freight episodes will be uploaded on Tuesdays, if there is one that week.

We hope you enjoy this new project!

For any further questions, email us at [email protected]

Also, be sure to follow our Twitter page @ShipsWpodcast for updates and more!