Niclas Dahl is the Market Unit Manager for Marine & Diesel Equipment at Alfa Laval in Shanghai, but he started up as a Business Manager for the Ballast Water business area within Alfa Laval some ten years ago. 

He has been through a fantastic period of technical challenges, environmental considerations and together with the team was responsible for building a completely new company within the company.

There were so many challenges when they first started that he cannot name anyone in particular. They were breaking new ground and found technical solutions to new regulations which they thought were going to come in full force and effect any day. 

It still isn't.

Niclas is very pleased that the company has taken a proactive approach to the new developments from the regulators point of view, he enjoys being a part of the change that is taking place now, than sitting waiting for it.

Listen to this father of four daughters and his view upon the shipping industry, which he entered in 1998 and never wants to leave!

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