Nick Miller is the grumpy bartender we all wish we had in our lives and his romance with the simply adorkable Jess Day in New Girl is the dose of happiness we all need. While Heather loves the pairing, she’s never finished the show to see how they get their happy ending, and it’s about time.

Extra credit reading:

Jenn’s Shipper’s Guide to Watching New Girl for the Nick/Jess RomanceNick and Jess relationship recap (source: New Girl)Fan video:  The Story of Nick and Jess (source: jessxnight)Gif set: New Girl but its 2020 (source: millerday)Gif set: I just want a weird wonderful life with you. (source: jakesjohnson)Bonus roommates-to-lovers book rec: The Flatshare by Beth O’Leary

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