Transforming On-Call at NS1
Like many companies, NS1 struggled to create a humane on-call culture for the team responsible for keeping its services up and running 24/7. When Bethany Abbott was hired to lead the TechOps team, she set out to transform the on-call culture by making strategic hires, tweaking on-call rotations and enlisting the right technology.

Getting Singled Out as a Woman in Tech
Long before Bethany was running TechOps for major tech companies, she experienced inequality in the tech industry first hand, as the only woman in all of her computer science classes. Now, she’s on a mission to introduce future generations of women and minorities to technology early on through her organization, Future Tech Women.

On-Call Horror Story: Putting a Country Back Online…Over Christmas
Not many people can say they put an entire country back online, but Bethany did, at the expense of her Christmas holiday. Find out what this experience was like, and how she restructured her team’s on-call protocol to ensure it didn’t happen again.