Harbour Bazaar now streaming for your delight & delectation. Solo show with our theme of The Human Menagerie and have fellow SFOBer, photographer & author Curly Dan Newman stepping in, choosing guest choices as a choice guest and talking about the background, inspiration and the true life tales that led to his new book DJ CHRONICLES 'The Warm Up' The History Of The DJ in Six Easy Pieces! The first in a DJ Chronicles trilogy!

On the way a Glorious 60s Pop Moment, peculiar country tracks, meet Wally Bones - The Midlands (& Australia's) Premier Rockin' Jock plus tracks from Gene Vincent, Wire, Tony Joe White, Fripp & Syvian, Bobbie Gentry, Cockney Rebel and many more!

We have a hoot and hope you enjoy!



DJ Chronicles THE WARM UP by Daniel Newman

Available from Amazon at https://tinyurl.com/p95u24jn



Bird Doggin' - Gene Vincent
I Am The Fly - Wire
Stud Spider – Tony Joe White
Reunion - Bobbie Gentry
Joe The Lion - David Jones & The King Bees
Jean The Birdman - David Syvian & Robert Fripp
Far Out - Sons Of A Loop Era
The Snake - Al Wilson
Patio Song - Gorkys Zygotic Mynci
Silver Machine - Hawkwind
I Wanna Be Your Dog - The Stooges
Rocky Raccoon - The Beatles
Antmusic – Adam & The Ants
Big Fanny by Neil Ray
Death Trip by Steve Harley & Cockney Rebel