
The wedding (instrumental)
You've been around
I feel free (Cream cover)
Black tie white noise
Jump they say
Nite flights (The Walker Brothers cover)
Pallas Athena (instrumental)
Miracle goodnight
Don't let me down & down (Tarha cover)
Looking for Lester (instrumental)
I know it's gonna happen someday (Morrissey cover)
The wedding song

Shinypodden S02E18: Skivan Black tie white noise från 1993.


The wedding (instrumental)
You’ve been around
I feel free (Cream cover)
Black tie white noise
Jump they say
Nite flights (The Walker Brothers cover)
Pallas Athena (instrumental)
Miracle goodnight
Don’t let me down & down (Tarha cover)
Looking for Lester (instrumental)
I know it’s gonna happen someday (Morrissey cover)
The wedding song

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Show notes:

Henkes spellista “Black tie white noise Enhanced” med 8 låtar som klockar in på 42 minuter (Spotify)
Orkestern Cream med bland andra Eric Clapton (wikipedia)
Paul McCartney och Stevie Wonder i låten Ebony and ivory (youtube)


Betygen: Olof 7/10, Henke 5/10



Album cover art:

Henrik Tronstad


Olof Hernius


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