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Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Säsong 1, avsnitt 11-12; "Out of Mind, Out of Sight" och "Prophecy Girl" 

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Våra Topp-5 listor:

Johans topp-5:

1. Prophecy girl (S01E12)

2. Welcome to the Hellmouth (S01E01)

3. The witch (S01E03)

4. Never kill a boy on the first date (S01E05)

5. The teacher's pet (S01E04)

Henkes Topp-5:

1. Prophecy girl (S01E12)

2. Nightmares (S01E10)

3. Welcome to the Hellmouth (S01E01)

4. The puppet show (S01E09)

5. Angel (S01E07)

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