Previous Episode: Bowie: Reality (2003)
Next Episode: Bowie: Blackstar (2016)

Låtlista "The next day":

The next day
Dirty boys
The stars (are out tonight)
Love is lost
Where are we now?
Valentine's Day
If you can see me
I'd be rather high
Boss of me
Dancing out in space
How does the grass grow?
(You will) Set the world on fire
You feel so lonely you could die

Shinypodden S02E26: Skivan The Next Day från 2013.

Låtlista “The Next Day”:

The next day
Dirty boys
The stars (are out tonight)
Love is lost
Where are we now?
Valentine’s Day
If you can see me
I’d be rather high
Boss of me
Dancing out in space
How does the grass grow?
(You will) Set the world on fire
You feel so lonely you could die

Låtlista “The Next Day Extra”:

Love is lost (Hello Steve Reich Mix by James Murphy for the DFA)
The informer
I’d rather be high (Venetian mix)
Like a rocket man
Born in a UFO
I’ll take you there
God bless the girl
So she

Länk till The Next Day på spotify

Länk till The Next Day Extra på spotify (kort version, övriga tre låtar länkas till youtube nedan… )

Show notes:

Länk till skivan på
Skivan släpptes den 8:e mars 2013
Filmen Song of Norway (wikipedia)
Norska skådespelerskan Iselin Steiro spelar en ung Bowie i videon The stars are out tonight (wikipedia)
Plan (youtube)
I’ll take you there (youtube)
So she (youtube)

Betygen: Olof 10/10, Henke 8/10


Album cover art:

Henrik Tronstad


Olof Hernius


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