Sometimes all it takes to get the wrasslin’ world fired up is one good promo. And the return of some key players. The return of CMPunk on AEW was a huge success. The WWE counter-programmed with there turn of Brock Lesnar and Becky Lynch. We dive into all this with our SummerSlam/TakeOver reviews. And ask ourselves if all this will actually move the needle or not. Horns crossed. In our “Turnbuckle Talk”, we reminisce about some of the amazing territory wrestlers that got saddled with terrible, some time career killing, gimmicks once signing with the WWF and WCW. Red Rooster? Blue Blazer? Norman The Lunatic? THE GOON!!! Ugh!! So grab a cold one and join your three favourite Crazy Canucks. Horns Up and Stay Healthy!

Wrestling Night in Canada 035