Since the one – two punch of our last episodes, we had a bit of time between. That’s cool, as there’s been enough going on in the Wonderful World Of Wrasslin’ for at least another couple episodes. But this time around, we’ll keep it to one. First off, we go into the all that went on with SummerSlam. And of course, Payback was the following week. To which both were played host by “The Thunderdome”. So we dove deep into this monstrosity giving out 2cents about it. And we paid tribute to a couple legends in Kamala and “Bullet” Bob Armstrong. Finally, in our “Turnbuckle Talk”, we realign the title picture in all of professional wrestling. There are to titles as it is. So we took the time to play addition by subtraction in the championship title picture for al the major leagues. So grab a cold one and sit back and enjoy you “Four Horsemen Of The APODcalypse”.

Wrestling Night in Canada 011