It’s always exciting when some one from the legendary Bay Area joins us. Hexx may not roll off the tip of the brain like some of their contemporaries. But they were in the thick of things going back to the glorious demo days of ’83. Now in 2020, the band is showing no signs of letting up. The new album “Entangled in Sin” just hit the new release rack. So it’s time to talk with axeman/mainman Dan Watson. We go over the new record, share some Bay Area goodness and finally… we found someone with something positive to say about the controversial Wild Rags (!!) Records. In our “News, Views, and Tunes”, we give the Horns to Necrot for all their recent Billboard success. Musically, we crank the new Hexx + cool stuff from Messiah, Spell Book, Iron Reagan, Laaz Rockit, Toxic Death and introduce North Dakota’s Gorgatron in our “Indie Spotlight”. Horns and Stay Healthy.

Radioactive Metal 623