Dave and Kleon have joined the Stereo App and did their first live show chatting about news events from the last few days. Tonight's topics - the latest news surrounding Euro 2021, the road out of lockdown and the 12 months leading up to it, the vaccination rollout, it's been 20 years since 9/11, a local football round up, the problem with NHS blood donor appointments and their police stories!

So, what is Stereo? Stereo is the new audio social networking app that allows users to join and engage in live conversations around the world. Essentially, it’s a live social platform, allowing anyone who has downloaded and signed up to listen to and join in with live conversations. You can choose the topics you love and in and engage with real people, be it a celebrity, musician or politician or a stranger with a similar interest or maybe just your friends.

Follow Dave and Kleon on Stereo here -

