EPISODE 29- After two highly billed disappointing WWE shows & a massive yet sickening hangover spell from a electronic concert (even though I don't drink nor do drugs), I again sit down solo to discuss said topics and including the wrestling worldwide loss of wrestler Roman Reigns' Universal Title run due to his health being ruined by leukemia.

I power through these topics, giving my take on them as well slightly discussing a great night I had in Washington DC attending a small concert of legendary electronic group, The Crystal Method.

I also give my take on the "so-called" (WWE) De-Evolution PPV that happened as well as the inside & outside controversies of another PPV which took place about five days later, WWE Crown Jewel. Or as I call it, "Family Jewels" because everyone who watched surely received a painful swift kick in the nuts.

Music this episode:
Juniper Beat by Chris Prythm of Illiteracy

For more information, you can reach me at:
Facebook: @OfficialShinBlade
Twitter & Instagram: @ShinSationalOne
Email: [email protected]