The positive Parkinson’s disease mindset. These messages need to be implanted into your deepest mind. It is your responsibility to mindful to them every day.


I have Parkinson’s disease. I’m glad it’s not ALS or Alzheimer’s.

I choose to view PD as a challenge, not a curse.

I will seek out those people who are doing well with PD and learn from them.

Neurologists see the people who are doing the worst with PD, so their opinions are jaded.

I will take no medicine before its time.

I will adopt every reasonable complementary and alternative medical approach first.

I believe in neuroplasticity and will engage my body-mind to make it work for me.

I will study and read . . . a lot. There is much to be learned about my Body-Mind.

I reject the phrase, “I can’t!”  . . . I can, dammit, and I will!

I have a mind. I can learn to meditate. Meditation is not a competitive sport.

I will always stand erect. I refuse to let my head and shoulders slouch—ever.

When I walk, I’ll pretend I don’t have PD.

I commit myself to smiling and laughter.

I have a full life ahead of me . . . it’s up to me to live it.