We have a special treat for you this year. A two-parter! Think of it as two halves of a glorious cracker, two stockings on a fireplace, two brussels sprouts rolling slowly under the fridge. In this episode we get to know comedian, writer, presenter and geek songstress Helen Arney of The Festival of the Spoken [...]

We have a special treat for you this year. A two-parter! Think of it as two halves of a glorious cracker, two stockings on a fireplace, two brussels sprouts rolling slowly under the fridge. In this episode we get to know comedian, writer, presenter and geek songstress Helen Arney of The Festival of the Spoken Nerd. Geek holidays, live music, BBC Micro memories – there’s so much in these episodes that we’ve made a LIST and checked it twice (the first time we turned up a Syntax Error At Line 320, all good now though).

Don’t miss part two in which we revisit the Ghost of SRS Christmas Past, our first ever guest Adam Tandy and experiment with some regional snackfood. Merry Christmas one and all!

Massive thanks to Helen Arney, LJ Rich and Bill Thompson.