Yes, OK, it's been a little while. Alright a big while. Other podcasts have come and gone. World leaders have come and gone. But wait patiently enough, resist the urge to unsubscribe on iTunes, and when you least expect it there we suddenly are, streaking across your downloads like "dirty snowball" Halley's Comet, grit, chocolate [...]

Yes, OK, it's been a little while. Alright a big while. Other podcasts have come and gone. World leaders have come and gone. But wait patiently enough, resist the urge to unsubscribe on iTunes, and when you least expect it there we suddenly are, streaking across your downloads like "dirty snowball" Halley's Comet, grit, chocolate wrappers and the stench of ammonia following in our wake. Thanks for sticking around.

It's Christmas, so top of the agenda, naturally, is the new Independence Day movie, and what could be more festive than some standard American confectionary you can buy all year round at WH Smith?

Roo finds the snacks, Lee find the films, Leila finds a submarine listening station, we all answer listener's questions, plus much more in this special, festive, hour-long reunion.