It's Shift Run Stop al fresco season again so your hosts meet in a park to come clean about their geeky hobbies. Chat covers public lock-picking, 8-bit graphics, DIY effects pedals, Hack Circus and the meditative power of geekiness. Our resident Charlie Bucket, Lee stops by with some Wonka bars and edible pebbles, while fresh [...]

It's Shift Run Stop al fresco season again so your hosts meet in a park to come clean about their geeky hobbies. Chat covers public lock-picking, 8-bit graphics, DIY effects pedals, Hack Circus and the meditative power of geekiness. Our resident Charlie Bucket, Lee stops by with some Wonka bars and edible pebbles, while fresh from her second Hack Circus event in Sheffield, Leila brings a reality-themed quiz. Or does she?

Links: Roo's 'Beardy Dads' podcastHack CircusRoo's newsletterLeila's newsletter | The SRS forum@ShiftRunStop | Buy a tape of this episode, or any other.

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