Yes, we are back! Well, for a one-off Christmas special at least.
As it's been so long, and you've been waiting so patiently, we've tried to make sure this episode is bursting at the seams. Put your feet up (yes, even if you're driving, it's Christmas!) and join us as we chat to journalist and [...]

Yes, we are back! Well, for a one-off Christmas special at least.

As it's been so long, and you've been waiting so patiently, we've tried to make sure this episode is bursting at the seams. Put your feet up (yes, even if you're driving, it's Christmas!) and join us as we chat to journalist and psychopath-spotter Jon Ronson, his son comics expert Joel Ronson, the ingenious data artist Stefanie Posavec, the audio archivers of everyday life Felicity Ford and Paul Whitty of Sound Diaries and our snack hacker Lee Maguire.

In the in-between bits, Roo tests Leila on her Mastermind subject – Red Dwarf 1989-1995; Leila has a present for Roo, we get a Christmas card from a listener, and we speculate extensively about the logistics of a famous space weapon. No wonder it's almost two hours long.

Those links again: Stefanie Posavec (website) | Stefanie Posavec (Twitter) | Jon Ronson (website) | Jon Ronson (Twitter) | Jon Ronson (IMDB) | Jon Ronson (Amazon UK) | Joel's column on Bleeding Cool | Sound Diaries (website) | Sound Diaries (Twitter) | Felicity Ford (Twitter) | Lee's website | See in the New Year on the SRS forum | Buy a tape of any episode, in our shop!

Don't forget to subscribe on iTunes, so you don't miss any future ones we might make.

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