We have an unprecedented number of guests for you in the mystery Christmas package with airholes that is this special festive episode of Shift Run Stop. Maggie Philbin and Click presenter LJ Rich join us to talk about tea, t-shirts and the days of three-channel TV, while comedy writer-performer Daniel Maier regales us with showbiz [...]

We have an unprecedented number of guests for you in the mystery Christmas package with airholes that is this special festive episode of Shift Run Stop. Maggie Philbin and Click presenter LJ Rich join us to talk about tea, t-shirts and the days of three-channel TV, while comedy writer-performer Daniel Maier regales us with showbiz anecdotes and shows off his Pocketeers collection. Noted anosmic Alice Bartlett knows the best ice creams for people who lack the sense of smell, and writer Anna Pickard recounts her efforts to find a real Dickensian Christmas in the States.

We loved making this jolly episode: some of us were drunk on the festive excitement of it all, some on Dave's already notorious 'Christmas Coke'. Happy Christmas!


Pocketeers info
LJ Rich's Clickbits
Notable anosmic individuals
Lemmings Talkthrough

Robot competition winners

The winner of the card robot model kit from Sandy is:

Alice Bartlett with her entry - Calculon (futurama), Data (Star Trek TNG) and the fembot played by Britney in Austin Powers: Gold Member

Other exciting prizes will be posted in the new year to the three runners up:

Andrew Nicolaou - The Fix-Its (*batteries not included), The Robot (Lost in Space), Johnny Five (Short Circuit)
Murray Steele - Deckard (Bladerunner - depending on the ending you prefer I suppose), Walter the Wobot (Judge Dredd), Maximillian (Black Hole)
Mo Ali - Robot Archie, Robby the Robot, Gort

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