A return to video games chat this week, and who better to put our endless questions about narrative and puzzles to than friendly games maker Hayden Scott-Baron ("Docky"). Hayden is the man behind hit iPhone physics game Tumbledrop, and much of what you like about RollerCoaster Tycoon. He's a comic artist, too, so we exploited [...]

A return to video games chat this week, and who better to put our endless questions about narrative and puzzles to than friendly games maker Hayden Scott-Baron ("Docky"). Hayden is the man behind hit iPhone physics game Tumbledrop, and much of what you like about RollerCoaster Tycoon. He's a comic artist, too, so we exploited his talent to bring you some of our cutest tapes so far. Head over to our store now to grab one for yourself - it's a very limited edition run!

Also in this episode: your hosts discuss the text adventure documentary, Get Lamp and snackster Dave tracks down some "children's beer".

Links: Hayden Scott-Baron (Wikipedia) | Hayden on Twitter as Docky | Hayden's games company Starfruit Games | Tumbledrop on the app store | Sweatdrop studios, and Hayden's profile there | Demo of Sega game "Nights" | Get Lamp | Snackspot | Buy a tape of this episode and others.

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