Previous Episode: Episode 43: Kim Plowright

Kev Cecil, Kev Cecil. Rings a bell, doesn't it? You've definitely come across Kev's work, because he's written for everything. Black Books, Little Britain, Armstrong and Miller, Katy Brand, Harry & Paul, Armando Iannucci... wherever you go, there he is, often teaming up with writing partner Andy Riley. Most recently, the pair co-created the three-part [...]

Kev Cecil, Kev Cecil. Rings a bell, doesn't it? You've definitely come across Kev's work, because he's written for everything. Black Books, Little Britain, Armstrong and Miller, Katy Brand, Harry & Paul, Armando Iannucci... wherever you go, there he is, often teaming up with writing partner Andy Riley. Most recently, the pair co-created the three-part hiking comedy The Great Outdoors, which was acclaimed for its funny jokes and brilliant cast including Mark Heap, Katherine Parkinson and Ruth Jones. He's a performer too, and has been in various things you like, including The IT Crowd and Spaced. This week we hear about all that, plus hiker geeks, Hyperdrive and Animal Crossing.

That rustling noise you hear? Why, it's our mercurial snacks expert Dave, returning with a cornucopia of weird trans-seasonal treats from the bargain bin of hell.

Links: Kev Cecil (Twitter) | Kev Cecil (IMDB) | Andy Riley on Shift Run Stop | The Great Outdoors (IMDB) | Leila's new fave film Going The Distance | Justin Long on Chart of Lust | Animal Crossing (Wikipedia) | Dave's site Snackspot | Buy a cassette tape of this podcast

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