Previous Episode: Episode 41: Alex Bellos

Elizabeth Sparrow is President of the Chartered Institute for I.T. In this week's fun-packed episode, we find out about being in charge of geeks, use the phrase 'digital native', and ask our guest whether kids should be forced to use Facebook. We also get the scoop on a film competition you can enter - with [...]

Elizabeth Sparrow is President of the Chartered Institute for I.T. In this week's fun-packed episode, we find out about being in charge of geeks, use the phrase 'digital native', and ask our guest whether kids should be forced to use Facebook. We also get the scoop on a film competition you can enter - with real prize money. And be warned, you might be going up against US. Yeah.

In other episode 42 news, Roo calls Leila's bluff with a surprisingly difficult quiz about Red Dwarf, and we welcome the return of snacks expert Dave, under whose expert supervision we sample a few crisps Francais - and some from nearer home where we just call them crisps.

Links: BCS (The Chartered Institute for I.T) | Digital Revolutions Competition | Digital Revolutions on YouTube | Red Dwarf (Wikipedia) | Dave's site Snackspot | Buy this podcast on audio cassette | Or why not cut out the middle man, and just donate?