Writer-performer Isy Suttie drops in this week. Isy is a hit with geeks everywhere thanks to her role as Peep Show's winsome I.T. worker 'Dobby', but her talents reach far and wide. We discuss her performing career and her personal passions, which include The Office and The Wicker Man - and she plays the piano [...]

Writer-performer Isy Suttie drops in this week. Isy is a hit with geeks everywhere thanks to her role as Peep Show's winsome I.T. worker 'Dobby', but her talents reach far and wide. We discuss her performing career and her personal passions, which include The Office and The Wicker Man - and she plays the piano for us. You don't get that on This American Life.

Elsewhere this week, Dave Green joins us for more al fresco international snackery, bringing his expertise to bear on some Californian chocolate supplied by generous US-based listener Leo Vegoda. (If you live 'abroad', why not send us some snacks to review?) We eat, we laugh, we all fight about Star Wars again. Oh and don't forget you can still buy tapes of these shows, or, if you already have enough rubbish in your house, just donate.

Remember Sarah "Spacedog" Angliss from way back in episode 9? The Brighton Festival is coming up in early May and you should check out her Uncanny Valley show on May 5th if you get the chance, it sounds ace:

"Spacedog are teaming up with Professor Elemental to bring you a delightfully unsettling evening, probing our very human fears of the almost human, from zombies to ventriloquists’ dummies. Accompanied by Sarah’s unusual musical robots, we’ll be singing songs of love, death and the uncanny as we explore the darkest reaches of your mind. With theremins, taxidermy and strange automata."

Links: Isy Suttie (Wikipedia) | Isy (IMDB) | Peep ShowThe American Office | The Wicker Man | Dave's site Snackspot | Brighton Festival | More about Sarah Angliss's show | Buy this podcast on tape | Donate to Shift Run Stop

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