Previous Episode: Swingin Hammers
Next Episode: Church Traditions

When you hear the word, "worship" what comes to mind?

Music? Obedience? Rituals? Aesthetics?

We can get so focused on the experiential, the momentary, the temporal, and the outside fixtures of what we style or call worship that we often times lose focus on the subject of The Who and The What of worship (God Almighty). We've had two episodes on music and worship and we plan on doing more because the topic has many components that need to be addressed and talked out.

On today's episode we have Benjamin Rupe, the man behind the musical juggernaut known as Swingin Hammers. He helps answer this question. We are also joined by Pastor Kevin, a friend of the Shieldwall Podcast and a faithful servant who gives us pastoral insight on how a biblical view of worship shapes and frames the local churches understanding of discipleship.

During today's episode Benjamin and Pastor Kevin remind us what acceptable worship before a Holy God should entail and why giving God our whole lives isn't too much to ask for - in fact it's the most reasonable thing Christians can do! More than a song, more than a moment, God desires all of our lives to be aligned with His will.

We strongly encourage you to follow Benjamin's art and work as he demonstrates how to serve the Lord in this generation; through honest lyrics, brilliant music and with his life-work on display in pursuit of acceptable worship. Benjamin Rupe is Swingin Hammers and the Men of Shieldwall are thankful for his example of busting up the things that need busting and building up where the LORD is working.

Swingin Hammers releases a new single, "God of the Bible Belt" out on April 5th. You can follow Swingin Hammers on Facebook where Benjamin does a weekly "Live At Five" performance.

Find his music videos on YouTube, grab some coffee and enjoy his craft.

"Then the Lord stretched out His hand and touched my mouth, and the Lord said to me, "Behold, I have put My words in your mouth. "See, I have appointed you this day over the nations and over the kingdoms, To pluck up and to break down, To destroy and to overthrow, To build and to plant."
Jeremiah 1:9‭-‬10 NASB

Host: Cody

Guest: Swingin Hammers, Pastor Kevin 

[email protected] 


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Credits: Intro/Outro music by Jeremiah McCann and Ethan Dean. If you like what you hear, feel free to contact him @ [email protected]

Audio Production by Ethan.

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