🙌 New Season of Bold Women!! 🙌

Are you working in a toxic environment? Listen as Asha Tarry, a trauma-informed corporate consultant, life coach and psychotherapist, offers actionable tips that you can use in the workplace to make your job work for you–not the other way around.

Tarry describes her overarching passion to help others as her catalyst to pivot from a mental health practitioner in private practice to becoming CEO of Behavioral Health Consulting Services. A 20-year veteran in the mental health field – Tarry started her work after earning her masters degree in social work.

Tarry delves into workplace burnout, anxiety and unhappiness, as she speaks about the common concerns she hears from employees. She also covers the prevalent–and perhaps overused phrase– The Great Resignation. Tarry explains what it is, why it’s happening now, and whether it will promote permanent changes in work culture.

Tarry specializes in workplace issues that affect women of color, the LGBTQ community, and employees with disabilities while balancing the goals of employers and their businesses. She performs her work at the intersection of a myriad of workplace perspectives. Tarry helps each client take steps towards a more dynamic work culture. Employees are shown how to demonstrate their value, and how to start a conversation about discriminatory concerns without the fear of reprisal.

After listening to Tarry, you will be hard pressed not to take charge of your career in the new year on this episode of SheVentures.