Eleven million women or 28 percent of all caregivers provide unpaid help to an aging adult as well as to children, according to the National Alliance on Caregiving.

MaryAnn Jones — a 20-year-veteran magazine art director — lived this struggle: balancing a high-powered career, a daughter with type 1 diabetes, and a mother with an ovarian cancer diagnosis. All this while grasping for the precious moments of self-care her life afforded her.

It took a layoff in 2008 to provide a full-fledged opportunity to pivot to creating a health-coaching business, ThriveNaturally, which has changed Jones’ life and has afforded her the chance to help others.

Today, as a certified functional health coach and an on-site workplace wellness coach, Jones talks about balance: caring for your kids, your parents, and yourself.

Jones also consults in many companies, and emphasizes the importance of workplace wellness, how to change your habits, outlook, and behavior for good on this episode of SheVentures.