Firstly, I want to apologise for the poor audio quality of my mic for this particular episode (James). I'm not sure what happened, either in the processing stage or honestly I think that the software when we recorded just detected my headset or built in mic rather than my quality external one which you heard in episode 1. Disappointing for myself, but hopefully we can fix this back for Episode 3.

This episode is a long-form discussion revolving around Shenmue 3's Kickstarter. We firstly discuss the latest Shenmue news from recent weeks, before deep diving into Kickstarter discussion. We chat about the Kickstarter as a whole, how well it was run, along with strengths and weaknesses, and we also take a look at all of the stretch goals and rewards, and see actually how these compared to the ones that were released - especially now that all of the rewards have been created and shipped.

As usual we have 4 music segments, 2 curated tracks from myself and 2 from Matt.

Seeking Healing

Mother's Wish

Mother's Cooking

The Bell Tower