Today Alex and I, we spoke about the importance to keep your main goal in mind in this ever changing and evolving Landscape we life in. 

I tell him about my short brush with the new app "Clubhouse" which might be irrelevant already once this talk airs. 

Basically it comes down to this formula: Direction first, tools second. 

Know your goals your working towards to, then all other things will / should fall into place. Then you will know what tools are really beneficial for reaching it. 

Don't jump on each new trend, but check it if it helps you with your long term goal. 

This does not mean you should always stay on the side lines when something new surfaces, but a short deep breath, and a leveled head will help you to avoid a burnout when you might expand all your energy running in the "wrong" direction. 

We advertise to slowly expand your comfort zone, so you can do the relevant tasks you need to do, having a work life balance and learning new things to get better at achieving your goal. 

Give yourself some time and enjoy the ride ...  

Music from 2nd Accident: 

Music from King Sinister: 

Music from Megalmodas: 

My daily curated playlist:   

#Clubhouse #Burnout #Cryptocurrency