This is a strange song for all the right reasons. 

As I heard it for the first time, I clearly did not like it, but ... I could not "listen away" I had to hear it again. 

This is art. 

It makes you questions things, this is not a quick bubble gum pop song, pushed in the Top 10's and then thrown away, this is Art, which demands your attention. 

I can hear reminiscences of this song to this day, with  @dEUSbe - Suds & Soda, for example. So this song strength shines into the current day. 

For my younger audience, I highly implore you to check it out and dig a bit deeper, there is more here then the ear perceives. 

The picture also shows  @andy Warhol  and the Model / Singer Nico, which deserve attention as well. 

But lets focus just on this song  "Venus in Furs" for now:  

and, of course, here it is in my playlist:  If you rather want to listen to my Talks as a Podcast, you can find it on Spotify, iTunes, Google & in other places here:​​​  

#recommendations #shellshockedradio #velvetunderground #venusinfurs #loureed