Hey Guys,  

today a "classic", showing me how I get on in age ... ;)  @The Offspring  have been around for so long ... and still are active thankfully. 

They have some "simple" fun songs, but this one is a bit more somber and serious. 

Still in their usual pop punk manner, but food for thought nevertheless.  I also really like the video:  


Anyway, I cannot think of anyone not knowing this song, so your welcome to re-visit and re-enjoy it. 

If it is new for you, you are even more welcome, and most likely much younger than me ... ;) Enjoy!  


and, of course, here it is in my playlist:  


If you rather want to listen to my Talks as a Podcast, you can find it on Spotify, iTunes, Google & in other places here:  



#recommendations #shellshockedradio #theoffspring #thekidsarentalright #punk