Hey Guys,  

today one of the little gems (at least in my ears) I'm always happy to find and to unearth and bring to you. 

You remember how cool it has been when you found a song none of your friends have heard before? 

And you were the one who brought it to their attention? 

Because YOU were on the "pulse of the time" as we say in German :) Great feeling, isn't it? 

Well, I present you a song I found under the avalanche of bad music I receive every day. 

Here the link to the channel of its creator:  


The Municipality - End as you begin:  


Nothing new under the sun, but what is done here, is very well done. 

Fitting more in the alternative spectrum instead of Gothic Rock, I nevertheless can wholeheartedly recommend this song!  


Here it is in my playlist:  


If you rather want to listen to my Talks as a Podcast, you can find it on Spotify, iTunes, Google & in other places here:  



#recommendations #shellshockedradio #themunicipality #endasyoubegin