Hello Guys,  

today a band from the "medieval music" flock. As I was doing  medieval sword fighting in the past and attended a lot of these medieval fairs with my stunt show group, I was over saturated with bag pipe music for a while, but now, as these (medieval) times are way past, I can recommend such music. 

Especially Tanzwut, who incorporated more modern instruments like electric guitars in their music, so they are somewhat of a hybrid between a rock and (medieval) folk band. I haven't seen them live (yet) but their shows should be quite energetic. 

So my recommendation is "Meer" (Sea or Ocean in English) which is just a really great song:  



here it is on my playlist:  


If you rather want to listen to my Talks as a Podcast, you can find it on Spotify, iTunes, Google & in other places here:



#recommendations #shellshockedradio #tanzwut #meer #medieval