Let me apologize upfront, I love these pioneers of sampling and industrial music. 

There no F%$§'s given attitude, their playful attitude, they are and were not afraid to tackle sensitive themes as it was still problematic in the 80's. Today (2022) I see a move to overly "sanitize" our lives again, where you get crucified for a stupid Twitter Post you did 5 years ago as you did not know better ... 

So My Life With The Thrill Kill Kult is a soothing bit of fresh air from the past, where artistic style and integrity mattered. 

Not Algorithm conform music, cookie cutter style and sanitized to not offend any one ... 

Enjoy this fresh blast from the past! I love them for all the wrong and right reasons! 

Don't take life to seriously, you will loose it anyway! 

Have some fun and do crazy stuff! Here is the song I love:  



and of course, here it is in my playlist:  


If you rather want to listen to my Talks as a Podcast, you can find it on Spotify, iTunes, Google & in other places here:  




#MyLifeWithTheThrillKillKult #recommendations #shellshockedradio #alternative #ADaisyChainforSatan