Today a lucky find for me, as I was introduced to  @Johnny Deathshadow  by @NargathrondMusic who lives close by where I life.  

We started chatting about his new music side project, where he, coming from a more Black Metal Background, is incorporating more electronic elements, which fit very well in my portfolio, my radio show and spotify playlist.  

He told me about having an upcoming collaboration with the singer of  @Johnny Deathshadow  so I've checked them out and found a very cool and accomplished band, which I had not heard of it yet. 

They hail from Horror Punk Genre, which I really like, check out my talk with  @CALABRESE  

or with Noble Art:  

But they have transcended the boundaries of this genre and ventured into more Gothic Rock Territory, which I love even more :)  

So here I gladly and wholeheartedly can recommend you the song "Trauma":  

and, of course, here it is in my playlist:  

If you rather want to listen to my Talks as a Podcast, you can find it on Spotify, iTunes, Google & in other places here:​​​  

#recommendations #shellshockedradio #johnnydeathshadow #trauma #wgt #wacken