Well, Mr. Johann Hölzel, much better known as  @FalcoVEVO  is unfortunately not longer with us, BUT his (quirky) songs will stay with us forever. 

I was 10 years old as "Amadeus" hit the heavy radio rotation, so heavy that even in the GDR, behind the iron curtain (in the communist / Russian zone) you could not escape the "Wiener Schmäh" of this, now, Legend. 

Falco was everywhere. One of the first German speaking people to "rap" and going full out in the video, with his showmanship. 

So yes, I'm very biased and was in my formative years, but still can and like to recommend this quirky little pop song:  



and of course, here it is in my playlist:  


If you rather want to listen to my Talks as a Podcast, you can find it on Spotify, iTunes, Google & in other places here:  




#falco #recommendations #shellshockedradio #amadeus #wien #vienna #rap #german