Well, even I have to profess, sometimes you just need a happy song to help you over some darkened times. 

I love my Gothic, Industrial and Darkwave music, but if yourself are feeling blue and melancholic ... you might need some other tunes, at least once in a while. 

For that I recommend you Crash Island and more specifically "We Rise Above". 

Well harmonized singing and nice pop melodies, it is just a joy to listen to. Yes, nothing new under the sun,  @The Beatles Vocal Harmony  did this 50 years ago already, but when something is good and well made, it stays good and well made. 

So this is a great, timeless piece of music, powerful happy and a joy to listen to in repeat. If you feel down and blue it might spark some joy, and if you are happy, it might double your happiness, try it out here:  



and, of course, here it is in my playlist:  


If you rather want to listen to my Talks as a Podcast, you can find it on Spotify, iTunes, Google & in other places here:  



#recommendations #shellshockedradio #crashisland #weriseabove #happy #joy