Today I recommend the cool Horror Punk Band in Disguise:  @CALABRESE  

Okay, they title themselves as "Horror Rock", but as I've found out through my talks with Left Hand Black (from GOTHenburg ;) as well as with the grapic designer Anthony, they are a big number in the Horror Punk Scene. 

And that rightfully so, as they are really cool dudes, check out my Talk with Davey Calabrese here:  

Anyway, I love their song  "He who flees the Light", fast going to the point and skillfully played. 

You can listen to the song in a loop and don't get tired of it. A perfect rock song in its own right, very well sung as well. So, it doesn't matter if you are into Horror Punk or Horror Rock or not, this song is great and you should check it out:  

Here it is in my playlist:  

If you rather want to listen to my Talks as a Podcast, you can find it on Spotify, iTunes, Google & in other places here:​​​   

#recommendations #shellshockedradio #calabrese #hewhofleesthelight #horrorpunk #horrorrock