Last week I was on Vacation in Spain, thank you and shout out to Kim ( ) for inviting me and organizing the trip. 

Shout out to Martin, my radio boss at to take over my live radio show while I was away.  

As I tend to get a bit more personal in my Monologues, I share with the audience, that I started a strict diet as I came back from Mallorca and dropped 4 kg's so far, it is mostly water I know, but quite impressive what you can reach with a bit of willpower and determination in a few days, but during the week I will eat a bit more again, as I have to work and need a bit more energy for that.  

Besides that I'm happy to report that my Spotify playlist 

grew to 3100 followers as of today (March the 21st 2021). 

Thank you to everyone who follows here! As I grew this list from the ground up to this number, I'm quite proud and happy about that.  

My next radio show on on Tuesday March the 23rd 2021 (check here for more details: ) will include the following artists:   

@Megalmodas   @NobleSavage   @Noble Savages   @PermafrostIndustries   @shallowsidemusic   @Foreigner   @sierra pilots   @Simulated Youth   @Anatomia Mechaniki  and many more ...  

King Sinister:   

@Megalmodas  :  

My daily curated Spotify Playlist:  

As Podcast you find it here:  

Please follow and share - everywhere ... ;)  

#radio #radiodarktunnel #spotify #spotifyplaylist #instagram #monologue